Centrus Spotlight with L&G Affordable Housing
For-Profit Registered Providers (FPRP) have prompted a significant shake-up of the UK affordable housing market. Savills estimates that by 2028, there’ll be roughly 100 FPRPs, with 113,000 units – a significant rise from 2023.
Omer Fazal, Managing Director and Head of Real Estate at Centrus sat down with Ben Denton, CEO at L&G Affordable Homes, a leading for-profit affordable housing provider, to discuss the evolution of for-profit affordable housing and its impact on the sector.
Our recent In Focus report takes a closer look at the For-Profit Affordable Housing sector, discussing challenges faced by the UK affordable housing market and the benefits of partnership opportunities for housing associations and investors. Click here to read the report.
For more information, please get in touch with Omer Fazal.