
Centrus advises V&F Homes on financing of affordable homes portfolio

About V & F Homes

V&F Homes, a provider of social housing, has financed its affordable homes portfolio with Secure Trust Bank. 

The portfolio, consisting of 34 properties in East Anglia made up of shared ownership and affordable rental homes, purpose built to help first time buyers get on the housing ladder, has received a bespoke investment facility to fund further growth. 

Centrus Solution

Centrus acted as advisor and arranger for V&F Homes, running the process to find a suitable debt funder for a smaller sized, specialist portfolio. 

Despite it being a difficult time to enter the market due to continuing interest rate increases, Centrus negotiated with Secure Trust (including going beyond some of their internal limits) to ensure the deal worked for both sides. 

A total of C.£1.4m debt raised was secured against the housing assets. 

Added Benefits

The Loan, which has a term of five years, required specialist knowledge in this area of real estate finance, given the suite of properties is designated as affordable housing and shared ownership properties.

With previous experience in structuring these tailored loans and flexible lending, STB was able to navigate this specialist area of real estate finance to give V&F Homes a facility that allowed them to purchase and expand the portfolio.

“Centrus tabled three prospective lenders, helped us select the best option and then guided both parties through the process in a professional and friendly manner.”

Charles Vaughan, Director – V&F 

“It was a pleasure to work with V&F and STB on this transaction. All parties worked pragmatically towards a solution in a volatile interest rate environment to ensure V&F can continue its growth and provide more high-quality affordable homes in its local area.”

Lawrence Gill, Director – Centrus

For more information, please contact Lawrence Gill

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