On the 27th of September 2022, we welcomed a host of clients to our UK titantreasury User Day. Gilles Bonlong and Terena Williams from Centrus were joined by Alexis Paulet and Alexander Marage from 3V Finance to present the latest developments on the titantreasury platform, which will further enhance our client’s treasury processes and operations.

The day provided a fantastic opportunity to bring titantreasury users together, including discussions around cash management, interest rate risk and an ESG/Sustainability workshop led by George Roffey, Chief Sustainability Officer at Cenrtus.
titantreasury is our expert Treasury Management System (TMS) that offers financial departments and treasurers the best functionalities for monitoring and controlling operational market risk (rate, foreign exchange, commodities), credit and liquidity risks.
To learn more about titantreasury, please contact Gilles Bonlong, Director – Centrus